Donating Samples

Donating samples to CryoArks

Samples donated to the CryoArks biobank are received by a CryoArks partner institution (NHM, NMS, RZSS, Cardiff University). In donating a sample to CryoArks, ownership is transferred to the Partner institution holding the material for use within the CryoArks Initiative.   

To donate samples to the CryoArks Biobank please contact us.

Access and Benefits Sharing (ABS) requirements

Samples donated to CryoArks that were collected after the 12th October 2014 and from a country that has ratified the Nagoya Protocol, should, where possible, be donated with appropriate collection permits. These may include an associated internationally-recognised certificate of compliance and details of ABS requirements that relate to the samples.

Where an internationally-recognised certificate of compliance is not available for these samples, we request the following information to permit continuing use of the sample:

(i) Date and place of access of genetic resources;
(ii) Description of the genetic resources;
(iii) Source from which the genetic resources were directly obtained;
(iv) Name of the authority who granted permission for the original sample collection.

Donating data only to CryoArks

Data-only collections can also be submitted to CryoArks. This means that sample data will be made visible on the CryoArks database and physical samples will be kept at the sample owner storage facility. This allows the research community to share information about which samples are available for loan, enabling sample requests through CryoArks, and reducing the need to resample from the field. 

Terms and conditions for the submission of data only collections will be agreed in advance using the CryoArks Data Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Data-only collections

Are you interested in contributing with sample collection data to CryoArks? If yes, we have prepared a guidance document that will tell you everything you need to know.